
MEH Aftercare empowering drug rehabilitation.

The MEH Aftercare Foundation is a nonprofit organization focused on SAVING LIVES. Our goal is to help addicts in active recovery by providing additional funding to secure longer-term treatment.

About Matt:
It’s hard to write something about someone so bright, loving and kind who isn’t here anymore. How do you put into plain English the impact a young life can have on you, in a way that helps people know who that person was? And want to know more about that life? How do you articulate a continued inspiration  to be a better human because that person quietly demanded that of you, without him knowing it?

Matthew Eric Haase was just this:  a force. A light that shown brightly from wherever you were. A light that dove deeply down rabbit holes of fascination and passion if he thought it worthy of the dive. A light that sparked with fireworks when it connected with something or someone meaningful.

If Matt was interested in something, he knew more about it than the internet. If he was curious, he spent legitimate time becoming an expert and learning it in a way that he could not only share it accurately and excitedly with you, but make you believe what he believed and become interested, too. And his intelligence enabled him to figure ways around the system, and shortcut a lot. Yes, he was deviant and rebellious and that’s part of what made him so special and animated, and on fire. It’s also what ultimately lead to his untimely death due to an accidental overdose.

Athletically, Matt was a rockstar. Even though baseball lost its luster as teenage angst and rebellion got the better of him, he was amazing in the field. His balance on a bike and finesse on a snowboard were professional level skills. There are pictures and videos of him doing stunts and rides and if you were brave enough, had the pleasure of seeing first-hand. He wasn’t shy about what gave him a rush, and he pursued it as often as he could. Thus, the introduction of drugs, and Matt’s subsequent battle with addiction his entire young life.

There are a lot of stigmas around addiction and its grip on a person. This foundation is for this:  to help people fight even when it doesn’t seem worth the fight. To give people a chance to take the time it takes to learn that life is worth it – always. To help addicts who are shunned by others who don’t understand, who desperately need understanding. To help addicts become well, that their life is worthwhile, and resume healthy relationships.

Matt is survived by Amanda, his wife, Alison, his sister, Al and Joanne, his parents, and Sasha and Trigger, his pups. He is missed and loved.


About us

MEH Aftercare Foundation
is a 501 (c) (3) Tax ID: 92-0362203 




MEH Aftercare Foundation